Account Admin - Managing Existing Accounts

    This article is intended for users who have started using our new MTM Platform.

    Please scroll to the bottom for a video tutorial or follow the instructions below.

    School-owned, active licenses are transferable and available for reassignment as often as necessary. All account updates can be managed by signing into your administrator account and selecting Account on the left side menu.

    1. For login issues with user account set up:

    1. Select the three dots to the right of the user’s name. 
    2. Click Send password reset email. (Note: Users will have to first accept an invitation to the site before they can reset a password.)
    3. Click to Resend invitation email.
    4. You will see the user's last access date once they’ve signed in for the first time.

    2. To change the name, grade level(s) or license assignments for a specific user:

    1. Click the pencil to manage the user account.
    2. Edit the appropriate information.
    3. Remove license(s) by clicking the gray Remove button next to that user’s information. 
    4. For assistance in adding license(s), refer to this Help Center Article.
    5. Click Save to finalize any changes.
    6. Note: For existing user email address address changes, please email us at for assistance.
    3.  For users who have an email address already associated with an account:
    1. The user profile will not save if the email address is already in use.
    2. Please reach out to us via Contact on the left menu of your account or email us at Be sure to provide the email address you would like to add to the account so we can better assist you.

    4.  To delete a user who is no longer employed by your campus/district:

    1. Select the trash bin icon on the far right hand side of that user. 
    2. You will be asked to confirm before you permanently delete the user.
    3. Any licenses assigned to this user will automatically be restored to your total account licenses and available for another user.

    5. To change current user permissions from Teacher to Account Admin:

    a. Click the pencil for the user you’d like to give permission to assign licenses.

    b. In the User Role field, change the dropdown from Teacher to Account Admin.

    c. Click Save to finalize the changes.

    d. Note: this user can still be assigned resources.

    6. To add another account admin who is a new user:

    1. Click the Add New User Button and a box will appear.
    2. Fill in the Email, Name, User Role and Grades Taught (if applicable) for the new admin.  Be sure to select the User Role as Account Admin.
    3. Click Save to finalize the changes.
    4. The new administrator is able to change the role of the previous administrator or delete them from the account if necessary. To delete a user, see number 4 above. (Note: This user can also be assigned resources.)