Account Admin - Setting Up Accounts

This article is intended for users who have started using our new MTM Platform.

Please scroll to the bottom for a video tutorial or follow the instructions below.

The role of the account administrator on the new platform is an account manager role. The sole purpose of this role is to manage the licenses in the account and assign them to the teachers who will be utilizing the resources. A corporate account can have more than one account administrator if you would like to share this role with other team members. 

If you already have an account, please refer to our Help Center Article on Managing Existing User Accounts. 

Set up your new administrator account in 4 simple steps!

Step 1: To sign in for the first time, click the button to accept the invitation you received from

Step 2: Check that you agree to our licensing terms and sign in for the first time.

We recommend signing in with Google as this will simplify your account access going forward. You may also find it helpful to bookmark this page for convenient access going forward. 

Step 3: Add a new user to the account.

  1. Select Account on the left hand menu bar. Here, administrators will see the total number of licenses available at the top of the page.
  2. To add a user to the account, select the yellow Add New User button on the right hand side.
  3. Enter the user’s email address, first and last name, their role, and the grade levels they teach.

Step 4: Assign Licenses to the User

  1. To add license(s) to the user, click the yellow Add License button.
  2. Select the appropriate license type, if your campus purchased more than one type. 
  3. Select the grade level for that user from the drop down menu and click the yellow Add button.
  4. Repeat the steps above if a user teaches more than one grade level.
  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner. An email invitation will automatically be sent to this user.
  6. Continue with steps 3 and 4 until all of the licenses in your account have been assigned to the appropriate users. 

Note: If you are both the account administrator and a teacher utilizing the resources, please assign the licenses to yourself by clicking the pencil next to the three dots. You can then follow the instructions noted in step 4 (above) to assign the license(s) to yourself. Once saved, you will have access in the My Resources section of the menu.

For assistance managing existing accounts, please visit this Help Center Article.