All Access: Navigating the Platform

This article is intended for teachers utilizing our MTM Platform for All Access and Maneuvering Math.

To navigate the various resources included in All Access, we highly recommend watching the first training module, found in the Teacher Tools section. This module is 6 minutes long and will walk teachers through the new platform. 

My Resources Page

This page displays all of the curricula licenses that have been assigned to you. 

Teacher Tools

In this page, you can access training modules, planning materials, and resources that are supplemental or span the entire year.

Unit Page

All unit materials are organized by lesson with a written objective and tagged with the standards covered. The lessons are designed sequentially and include study guides and assessments. 

Search Bar

Use the search bar to identify a specific concept or skill. Filter by resource type and standard. 

Lesson Page

  • Units have been organized into individual lessons. These lessons are organized and sequenced intentionally but are not specific to a time frame. Teachers may select from the plethora of resources available for their specific time constraints.  Materials are grouped to show all relevant materials in one place, as well as ordered by lesson progression. Based on your unique circumstances, you may find more materials than you are able to utilize. 
  • Videos can be previewed by pressing play or they can be shared with students by clicking the “share video playlist”. 
  • Icons represent different types of materials including PDFs, Google Forms, Google Slides, and Google Folders. 
  • The last assessment in each unit includes review and assessment materials.