Planning for a Unit on the New Platform

This article is intended for users who have started using our new MTM Platform.

Our year-long planning guides and unit planning guides are helpful tools to use simultaneously as you consider how to plan utilizing the resources on our new platform. We highly recommend watching our 2nd training module (found in Teacher Tools) where we provide practical suggestions for effective and efficient unit planning. 

First, we suggest referencing the year-long planning guide before the beginning a unit to find the number of suggested days recommended to instruct and assess the unit concepts. With that number in mind, we recommend visiting the unit page on our website with the unit planning guide in hand. As you look at each lesson and any activities available, you can record the number of days you plan to spend on each lesson accordingly. After viewing each lesson, you’ll want to look back at the total number of days recommended by the year-long guide to ensure that your plans will fit within the bigger picture of your school year. 

The image below shows an example of filtering by activities in a unit. This will display all the available activities in a single unit to assist in your planning. 

The exact number of days and details may need modifying according to specific circumstances, but it is our hope that the planning guides provide a helpful starting point to plan intentionally for each unit!

These blog posts may provide additional support in how to plan with the number of minutes you have in your classes.